Our Story

It all started when Diane’s sister took a trip to India over 15 years ago, where she learned about the health and taste benefits of sprouted almonds. When you soak almonds in water for a long period of time, they “sprout”. The result is easier to digest + more nutrient dense + crunchier almonds!
Inspired by these health benefits + the “sprouted-nut-crunch”, Diane began sprouting almonds and then dehydrating them, as opposed to roasting them, at home. She would then flavor them with real ingredients. She loved the way they tasted, and even more, the way they made her feel.

She shared her sprouted snacks with friends and family members … who were always asking for more! Laurel, her niece and a healthy food lover with plentiful experience in marketing, fell in love with the snacks. Her interest was piqued.
After doing some market research and going to Natural Products Expo West, Laurel and Diane realized sprouted snacks were truly unique from snacks already on the market. For the health-conscious consumer, a tasty + crunchy sprouted nut snack made with all real ingredients, no oil, and no added sugars would be a dream come true.

After a few years of recipe perfecting, brand development, and team building, Daily Crunch Snacks was born! We launched in March of 2020 (yup, right before the pandemic) and ever since have been dedicated to providing you with high quality, healthier snack options that leave you feeling as good as they taste. Vegan, keto, paleo, and gluten-free -- we want everyone, regardless of dietary preference, to enjoy Daily Crunch Snacks!

Our Mission
At Daily Crunch Snacks, we believe that mental health should be as much a part of the fabric of our daily lives as the food we eat. The thoughts and the nutrients you feed your body hold equal influence over your wellbeing. So when you #getcrunching, take some time to evaluate how you’re feeling, disconnect from social media, or take a few deep breaths — whatever taking time for your mental health looks like for you. And it never hurts to check in on a loved one. We hope to make feeding your body with real + healthy foods easier, and to remind you to take time for your mental health.